Vacation Bible College 2024: ASSURANCE – Can I know that I am saved?


Vacation Bible College is a yearly event for middle and high school students. This year, we’ve had a wonderful time learning what the Bible says about the assurance we can have in our salvation. See the videos below to watch the recap video and the teaching from each night.

Recap Video


Day 1 – ASSURANCE: Can I Know That I Am Saved? (Luke 23:40-43)


Day 2 – What is the Foundation of our Assurance? (Romans 3:21-25)

Day 3 – Good Works and Assurance of Salvation? (Ephesians 2:8-10)

Day 4 – Assurance In the Face of Your Sin – You Have An Advocate! (1 John 1:5 – 2:6)

Day 5 – How Our Confidence in Christ Helps Us In Our Daily Lives (Hebrews 10:19-25)

Vacation Bible College 2022: Identity

Vacation Bible College is a yearly event for middle and high school students. This year we had a fantastic time learning about what the Bible says about who we are – how we do not decide who we are, God decides who we are! See below for a recap video from this great event as well as the sermons from each night.

Recap Video:

Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:

We learned how God’s way is better than any other way in our VBC 2021. View the recap of the entire VBC and the weekly messages.





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